The magic number: “X” number of words

18 07 2010

One thousand words every day. When delving into a writing career, advice comes from many different corners of the World Wide Web and the traditional forms of media—books, magazines, print. One universal recommendation: write every day. It doesn’t even matter what’s written, just write every day. So what’s the magic number? No one writer seems to agree on a single universal number. There appear to be some agreements, however—whatever, 500, and 1,000.

Whatever advocates suggest the act of writing anything—even a daily journal—wrings words from the mind. The evolution of creation is the important objective.

Five hundred word advocates push for blogs—even unpublished—maintaining the rhythm creating a lead, a thesis, and a conclusion. These advocates point to the Internet idiom that 500 words is the most that will be read.

One thousand word advocates believe the longer writing allows for strong flow, better stimulation of creative juices, and an opportunity to create an ongoing work that could result in a project.

However many are written, there is always one person in the house willing to sit and listen to whatever I have to say.

